Isaiah 43:13
“From eternity to eternity I am God.No one can snatch anyone out of my hand.
No one can undo what I have done.”
I was flipping through my Bible this morning and came upon this verse. Isn't that a good feeling? To me He is saying this morning...
No matter what...No matter what you have done or what you do I am still God! You can mess up and make mistakes. You might
even try going your own way but...I am still God and what I have done won't change. I will still love you.
Psalm 100:5
For the Lord is good.His unfailing love continues forever,
and his faithfulness continues to each generation.
God is all about love. He "is" love. We are the object of His love...His unfailing love.
No matter what you are going through today. No matter how you feel about yourself.
Even if you think no one loves you. You can rest assured that someone does.
GOD does. Just be still and rest in the assurance of God's love!
Linking today with Tracy

Beautiful encouragement. :)
Reminds me of a childhood song that never loses its meaning: Jesus Loves Me!
Hi Chelle - this is beautiful encouragement. Nothing we do can separate us from His love and I also love that no one can mess with what God has done!!!
God bless precious friend and thank you for linking up with me today
Chelle, what wonderful, blessed assurance we have in Him! Thank you, this was such an up-lifting post! Blessings :)
Lisa~Always nice to see you here.
Esther Joy~Yes...a great song!
Tracy~Praise God!
Heidi~So grateful we have that assurance.
God bless you all for your encouraging words.
I love it sis, no one can every snatch us out of Jesus hand nor un do what He has done..We serve an Awesome GOD
Love this: "Be still and rest in the assurance of God's love."
Nice post thanks for sharing..loves from holland...soraya
Absolutely lovely
Thanx (^^,) xx
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