Friday, January 13, 2012

Absolutely Smothered!

Dear One (insert your name) Dear Chelle
I am as close as your next breath. You are covered every moment by a blanket of MY love.

Can't you just hear HIM saying that? HE is that close to us you know...Every second of Everyday. And then to think that we are covered by HIS love. When I think of being covered by HIS love I think of being...smothered in HIS love! When HE covers us with HIS blanket of love it's as if HE is draping HIS peace over us...absolutely smothering us with HIS love and peace. Is that not the best news you have heard today?!! 

As I told you a few posts ago, the LORD just keeps bringing thoughts to me, and showing me scriptures, about peace. In our world today...yours and mine...we all need to feel HIS peace. The scripture that I have for peace today is a good one.

Romans 15:13

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

There are some things we go through in life that we just aren't sure if we will see the light at the end of the tunnel. As a Christian you have to remember this...JESUS is the light before you even get in the the beginning...the middle...and the end. In fact, JESUS lights up the whole tunnel so you don't ever have to be in the dark...or wonder if you will ever see the light at the end! I believe what we need to have is an overwhelming dose of HIS love...HIS everlasting peace...and HIS abundant joy! When the LORD fills you with HIS is it that happens to you? You overflow with Hope! Is there any of you that doesn't need hope today? I think not!! Hope is something we can all use for the situations in our lives that just seem to devour us sometimes. So today, if you will only trust in the LORD, HE will overflow your soul with love and peace and joy...absolutely smother you with it!

How much more secure can you possibly feel than to not only be covered by HIS blanket of love but to also be draped with HIS peace?! From my just can't get any better than that in this lifetime!!


Ken said...

Hi Chelle,
Yes it is the best news I heard today. That is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chelle - this is just another thing I need to hear today. Smothered by His love! God bless precious friend