Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Adore ME

As some of you know I generally talk to God when I drive to work in the mornings. Sometimes it's just a one sided conversation where I repeat the same thing daily. You know, the kind of prayer that resembles..."Now I lay me down to sleep"...except it's the morning version. In other words, the same rote prayer...without any real feeling or depth...you pray every day because you know you need to talk to God. Something like..."Please forgive me for all the bad stuff I did yesterday and help me not to do it today! Keep all my friends and family safe and give us a good day. Amen"...or whatever your version happens to be. Then there are times when I really get into it and pray more earnestly. Talk to God like He's sitting beside me and even ask Him questions. I'm pretty sure that's the kind of prayers He likes best. Sincere, honest, heart felt conversations with Him. Sooo...this is about to become another one of those transparent posts again because the other day...We had one of those conversations...

In the last, almost, three and a half years I have asked some of you more questions than I have asked in my entire life. I do the same thing with God. Sometimes He lets me know beyond any doubt what the answer is. So my main question the other day was..."How can I get to know you better, in a deeper way? How do I get closer to YOU!" Immediately it was..."Adore, you have to adore Me." Right then I knew it was an answer from God because adore is a word I just don't use. I don't think I have ever adored anyone. So I just kind of laughed and said, "God, I know this must be coming from you because I don't even know what it really means or how to do it." Which...I hate to admit it, but...I was telling the truth! Anyway, eventually I got to work and really forgot about it for a while. Then a day or two later I was reading a devotional book called,Passionate Prayer. I couldn't believe what it said, Adore God In Prayer. Every single day in that week had a section called, Adore God In Prayer. In fact, what I had totally missed the first week was, everyday in the book has a section called...Adore God In Prayer. Amazing isn't it!! I am a little slow at times but I think I'm catching on now.This is what God wants me to do, adore HIM! So...I looked up the word adore to get the exact meaning. Adore...To love intensely, love with your entire heart and soul. WOW! Can't get a whole lot plainer than that can it?

In the book it says, "it's a life changing experience when you learn to walk and talk with God." So...obviously, the first thing I need to work on is probably not the same thing you need to work on. For me, learning to love with my entire heart and soul is the main thing. Adore HIM! It might be the same for you or it might be something entirely different. Whatever it is, the one thing we need to remember is this...God doesn't want me, or you, to stay this year...where we ended last year. We all need to break out of our boxes and grow in Him. Whatever it takes! Learn to talk with God about everything.

This is a quote from Oswald Chambers;

"Get into the habit of dealing with God about everything. Unless in the first waking moment of the day you learn to fling the door wide back and let God in, you will work on the wrong level all day; but swing the door wide open and pray to your Father in secret, and every public thing will be stamped with the presence of God."

Mark 1:35 (New King James Version)
Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.

Who else could set a better example for us than JESUS??


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