Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Let HIM Rock You

Has GOD ever really "Rocked Your World!" If HE hasn't you need to keep talking to HIM and asking HIM to until HE does!! Because when HE "Rocks Your World", in whatever way it needs to be rocked, you won't even know what to do with it! I can say that because the last couple of weeks HE has been "Rocking" mine and it's great! We have all had our world "rocked" and at times turned upside down in bad ways. GOD doesn't do it in a bad way. If you need to change, or need help with something, you might have to step out and do something that is not what you would normally do. When you do that GOD will help you and it just might change a few things for you on the inside. The inside of us is what really needs changing. Our heart, soul and mind. Sometimes it seems like you get so far with that and then you are just stuck. As I have been saying lately...You just have to keep pushing in towards HIM. If you keep doing that GOD will help you. HE probably won't do everything you need all at once and that's a good thing. If HE changed everything about me, fixed everything that needs fixing, all at the same time...I couldn't handle it. HE knows everything we need and HE knows exactly when we need it.

Psalm 4:7-8

7 You have put more joy in my heart
    than they have when their grain and new wine abound.

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