You ever have those days when you can't hardly make it out of bed and then when you do you actually have to make yourself look decent and go to work...or somewhere else?? Then believe it or not...the day gets worse and it's only 6 a.m. Not looking for sympathy but...I've had two days in a row like that. So, here's my story for this morning...
My first stop of the day was a convenience store. I NEEDED COFFEE!!! So...Filled up the biggest cup they had and got it too full. But, not wanting to waste any, I kept it that way and started driving to work. Eventually, it sloshed out of the lid. When I got to work I cleaned up the cup...or so I thought...and went in. When I got to my desk I noticed coffee on my top in four places. Had to go and wash that all out and finally clocked in...feeling the stress!! I knew I needed to get it together quickly so I picked up this great little calendar my friend got me. It's full of uplifting verses and prayers. I turned to today's and this is what it says...
1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Wow! What a great verse for that moment...and a great reminder! Sometimes when things are going bad from the git go we don't do that. We need reminding. So I thought...I need to listen to some music. iPod needed charging and the radio station had a pledge drive going. Immediately my thought was...great, now what?! friend has cd's on her desk. I found one I hadn't heard in a while and popped it in. Karen Peck and New River was the CD and the first song is Ephesians Chapter One. It's a great and good words. Here is the chorus...
God says I'm blessed, I'm chosen, I'm adopted, I'm favored
Redeemed, yeah, I'm forgiven
Makes me wanna sing, I'm a child of the king and now I'm a really livin'
By the blood of the Lamb, I know who I am
God said it and it's already done
When the devil comes in, I remind him again
Of Ephesians chapter one
Redeemed, yeah, I'm forgiven
Makes me wanna sing, I'm a child of the king and now I'm a really livin'
By the blood of the Lamb, I know who I am
God said it and it's already done
When the devil comes in, I remind him again
Of Ephesians chapter one
God is amazing. Just read those words! We are blessed! We are His child! Could it get any better!?? NO!! I know that my problems this morning don't even come close to some of the things that you may be going through right now. But you know what? Whatever you are going through...small problems...big problems...the Lord cares about each and every one! He is in charge and taking care of things for you. So...Stay Strong...
Ephesians 6:10
A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
Joshua 1:9
This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Deuteronomy 31:6
So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”
Psalm 55:22a
Give your burdens to the Lord,
and he will take care of you.
and he will take care of you.
We need to give all of our the Lord and just wait and see how He takes care of them and of us.
Psalm 37:5 NCV
Depend on the Lord;
trust him, and he will take care of you.
trust him, and he will take care of you.
Psalm 37:7a
Be still in the presence of the Lord,
and wait patiently for him to act.
and wait patiently for him to act.
After the way my week has been going I had to make a choice. Choose to be stressed and anxious and have a bad rest of the day or...choose to listen to what the Lord was telling me through scripture and song and go with HIM! I don't always make the right choice but today I did. The rest of the day was good and I do feel blessed, chosen, favored and forgiven.
How about you? What's your choice going to be tomorrow when you get up and things go bad. Or maybe...when circumstances in your life haven't changed? I hope you choose to do what all of these verses say.
Dear Lord Jesus,
Help everyone who reads this post to give all of their burdens and cares to You...right now. Help them to depend on You and to lean on You. For You alone are the One that can help us when we are feeling down and afraid. Help all of us to trust in You Lord and to just be still and wait in Your presence. Help each and everyone of us to be strong in You. You Lord are amazing and awesome and we love You! Thank You for taking care of us and loving us. In Your name Jesus...Amen
Linking up with Tracy for Winsome Wednesday

Visiting your blog today for the first time from Winsome Wednesday. Thank you for sharing from your heart and personal experiences. I totaly agree, no matter what difficult experiences we go through in life, no matter how big or small, God is there! What makes the difference is our perspective and how we choose to face them. Many Blessings!
Hi Chelle - you are so right, its a choice at the end of the day. My weekend was full of choices of which 90% of them I made wrong. So grateful God's mercies are new every day.
God bless precious friend
Hi Chelle,
How cool!! I love hearing stories of how God intervenes and speaks. God cares in all situations big or small it is all important to Him.
Praying you have a good end of the week.
Hello friend,
I so needed to read your post today. With everything going on here, it was like a breath of fresh air to come here and read.
Please pray for our 5 yr. old grandson. I just posted about him yesterday. He will be undergoing surgery tomorrow to find out if he has an infection or possibly Leukemia in his leg that runs all the way up the front of it from his little ankle to his knee cap.
The prayers of so many are needed right now as we await the results. He has gone through so much already.
Hi Chelle,
Those lyrics were what I needed to hear today! Seems like the Lord keeps directing me back to Ephesians quite a lot lately ;)
As always, thank you for your words of encouragement...sounds like you are on the right path with making the choice to listen to GOD and not let satan get/keep you down!!
~Love & Blessings In Jesus~
Lisa (Never Forsaken)
I have had a challenging couple of days and these verses were just the encouragement I needed this evening.
Wonderful words Chelle; I found myself leaning on His strength and encouragement many times this past week! I am thankful He got me through the challenges and road blocks! :)
Enjoy the rest of your week and a great weekend; see you soon!
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