Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Life You Got

I'm honored to be guest posting today over at Encourage 24/7.  For days now I've been trying to come up with something encouraging to write but it just hasn't happened.  So tonight I'm sitting at my desk and praying that the Lord will give me something to say.  I've started a few times and deleted them all.  I've flipped through scriptures....and nothing has hit me.  Until....

Psalm 107:2

Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out!
    Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies.

This verse is for all of us.  As Christians we have all been redeemed and we all have a story to tell.  We need to tell our stories to all that will listen.  All of us are walking....talking....miracles!  You don't have to be a speaker....a writer....a singer....or anything else, other than just you, to tell your story.  

Before I gave my heart to the Lord I did many many things I'm not proud of.  For a long time I regretted that life.  Yes....I knew God had forgiven me but it was so very hard to forgive myself for those things.  Then one day I started realizing that until I forgave myself I wasn't going to really have the life that the Lord wanted me to have.  So....I went back (physically) to a few of the places where life went all wrong....talked to the Lord about them and forgave myself.  For the places I couldn't go back to....I just talked to the Lord about them and forgave myself.  You can never truly be free until you accept your past life and move on into your new life with the Lord.  I heard a line on a movie tonight that fits this well....

The miracle ain't the life you's the life you got!

Sometimes we look back and think about all that we missed because we didn't always do the right things. But, what I have found is how much more the life I have now really means to me.  Since I gave my life to Jesus it's so much fuller and brighter than anything I ever knew before.  The life I have now is the life the Lord had planned for me all along!  The people that mean so much to me now....I may have never known had my life been different. This life I've got now is my miracle!  I have had a crazy, full life and I wouldn't trade it for anything else because now I can fully appreciate all that the Lord has done for and given me.  

When Jesus died on Calvary He set me free from all of my sin and made a way for me to be free!  Jesus did that for all of us.  So if you have been redeemed....Speak out!  Tell the people around you....or the world if your a blogger....your story.   People need Jesus and you just might be the one with the right life story that will show them the way.

until we see Jesus....face to face



Aritha V. said...

I've read it and wrote a comment :-) God bless you, Chelle.

~Neverforsaken~Lisa Dreamchild said...

"Speak out! Tell the people around you....or the world if your a blogger....your story. People need Jesus and you just might be the one with the right life story that will show them the way."

I never thought of it that way...I know that there are certain life stories that I relate to myself, so it is important to remember this, and to tell my story!
~Blessings and love~

Brenda said...

Hi Chelle,
my blog roll is still not showing me your new posts. I just decided to come over to see what you have written recently and I have been very encouraged by it. I was thinking of putting part of my early testimony in my next post and this post is encouraging me to do it. God bless