Saturday, May 4, 2013

He Gives Amazing Grace

Long days...longer much alone time.  How do you fill it up?

Sitting here this morning I realize that the only way to truly fill it up is with God.  We choose how we fill our lives and He chooses how to fill us up.  He will fill us up with all good things when we make the correct first choice.  That choice can only be one thing...the Lord.  When we choose Him, He fills us with things that we could only hope to find before...

Many times we have to walk through things of this life to truly find the exceptional good things that He has for us...  

We go about our everyday lives taking much for granted.  Everything is good...great even...we are reasonably is comfortable.  Then life happens...different for all.  Within a family it blood family or friend family...we experience many different things.  Things that bind us tightly if we let them.  Good things...great things....extravagant things.  Then on the flip side...things of sickness...tragedies...and sometimes loss...

Through whatever our individual life holds...if we choose...He is there.  With us every step of the way.  Giving us exactly what we need...exactly when we need it.  All of our walks are different.  We don't all go through exactly the same things at exactly the same time...but we all go through something.  I have found through watching others and from my own experience...the only way to get through is God... can make it through without Him...but it's so much harder.  You really have to learn to give to the Lord whatever it is you are going through.  Compared to what many peoples lives are trials are small but still a learning experience for me...

This past week the Lord has allowed me to spend some quality alone time with Him.  There have been moments when I wasn't happy with it at all...and other moments that were good...God good.  As long as He gives me those Amazing Grace filled times with Him...I can go through the rough times with Him...

In the midst of whatever your battle is today...share it with the Lord.  He can give you whatever you need to get you through your battle...take you to the other side of it...and help you to stand when you get there. When you are weak He will give you strength...

2 Corinthians 12:9-10

But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and show themselves most effective in [your] weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me!

10 So for the sake of Christ, I am well pleased and take pleasure in infirmities, insults, hardships, persecutions, perplexities and distresses; for when I am weak [in human strength], then am I [truly] strong (able, powerful in divine strength).

till we see Jesus...face to face



Denise said...

This is so beautiful Chelle! God’s intervention is what strengthens our lives and fills us up; He is the only one that can fix everything! Sometimes He will push us to our limit so that we will depend on less of us and more of Him. :)

Blessings and prayers for a week ahead of strength and recovery!

Love you dear friend,

~Neverforsaken~Lisa Dreamchild said...

This is a very insightful post Chelle...I know what you mean about God filling up time...Since I no longer have a job to go to everyday, it took me about two years of frustration in getting me back on track with how to manage my time...especially my time with the Lord...more time is not always better...but more time with the Lord can be a good thing if we make it a priority instead of an obligation.
You are such an encouragement to me on how you are using this time to really listen to what God wants to teach you through it all!
It is easy to just want to curl up and try to hide from everything instead of trusting that God is at work in us when we find ourselves being 'forced' to lie down for awhile! It is a green pasture time...time to be nourished by the Good Shephard.
Love you~ Lisa
BTW: I am going to try to relist you on my blogroll since you are still not showing up...Hope it will work :)

child of God said...

Hi Chelle,
I see Father working in you!! I see the tell tale signs of the Holy Spirit!!! It is wonderful, a broken contrite heart filled with pain and sorrow, to see the move towards Father is knowing that things do happen in order to draw us closer to Him.

I was reading a testimony of a mother whose baby is going through chemotherapy for I believe it is leukemia. She said she is so very thankful that God gave her son leukemia because her and her whole family are in a better place with the Lord. She wouldn't trade all the hell she she has gone through because He is now so very real to her, her husband and her other children. She only hopes that as her son is now taking his very last chemotherapy dose, and this road is drawing to a different path, that she will continue to grow in the Lord and pass on this knowledge to others.

I was like WOW! Would I be so thankful if my child had to suffer like hers has? That really humbled me and I desire to have a thankful heart like hers.

Blessings hon,