Monday, February 18, 2013

He Will Speak Peace

Today I have read three different things that have talked about sitting quietly and waiting...waiting in the presence of the Lord. I know that's a really good thing to do but it can be hard. However, it is something that we need to practice. I truly believe that if you just sit quietly...He will come and make His presence known to you. It's nothing mystical...just sit and wait...talking quietly to the Lord...and He will make His presence known. He will meet you right in the middle of your need, clearing out the tangled mess in your head. That may not be how I should say it but that is how I feel many times. Like what is in my a mixed up tangled mess.

All day long things happens. We take in all kinds of junk through out our day. We hear things...see things...remember things...that we need filtered out. Sometimes...we feel things...we hurt...we feel empty...we feel lost...chopped up....sick. Whatever it is you have taken in or you are becomes a tangled up mess inside of you. JESUS is the only one that can straighten that mess out and help you to feel whole again.

So we need to sit quietly and wait for Him to come. As He speaks to your need He brings peace. He is the Peace Speaker! I love when He fills me with peace when the day is rough. Life is hard...things happen...we need to just be in His presence and be healed from all we have taken in.

This post has taken a different turn than I thought it was going to. What I wrote I have felt all day. I don't know if this is for anyone else or just for me but whatever the case...

Let JESUS speak peace to your troubled soul!

Here are the lyrics to Peace Speaker by Geron Davis

It was such a lovely day
The sun was shining bright
The gentle wind was blowin' my way
Not a storm cloud was in sight
Then, suddenly without warning,
A storm surrounded my life.
Bu even in the storm I could feel the calm,
And here's the reason why.


I know the Peace Speaker, I know
Him by Name
I know the Peace Speaker, He controls the wind
And the waves.
When He says, "Peace, be still,"
They have to obey.
I know the Peace Speaker, Yes, I
Know Him by Name.

There's never been another man
With the power of this friend,
By simply saying, "Peace be still"
He can calm the strongest wind.
And that's why I never worry
When the storm clouds come my way,
I know that He is near to drive
Away my fears
And I can smile and say:

Repeat chorus
Peace, peace, wonderful peace
Coming down from the Father
When He says, " Peace be Still, " They
have to obey.
I'm glad I know the Peace Speaker,
Yes I know Him by Name.
I know Him by Name.
I know the Peace Speaker, Yes I
Know Him by Name.


Denise said...

Love this Chelle; sometimes I wish I were more like a Mary who chose to spend time with Jesus because she knew what would matter in the course of forever. But too often I am more like a Martha, who is too busy with things of the world. Whatever the case may be, when we are too busy to spend time alone with God when we need His comfort and peace, then we are just too busy.

Blessings dear friend!

Brenda said...

He is the eye of the hurricaine, we can walk on water provided we keep our eyes on Him and don't focus on the circumstances.

Joy (Aesther) said...

Thanks Chelle for this awesome post! It's really reminding me once again that I need to spend time with Jesus more and just rest in His arms. The busyness of life is sometimes too much a distraction in our life sometimes... God bless ya! :)

Never Forsaken said...

Yes Chelle, I can relate to the "tangled mess inside my head"
I think you described it perfectfly.
When I was little I went to my mother and told her that I thought there was something wrong with me because I have so many thoughts inside all at once, I remembered how she laughed and told me that that was a good thing, lol!
Well,it can be until we need to focus on what the Lord is saying to us...He does speak to us in a still, small voice.
I sometimes say that "I am wandering around in the wilderness of my mind". I really do live inside my head too much, I think.

I often use this verse to get my mind on track:

Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Everything else needs to be filtered out throughtout the day. Sometimes this requires quiet and solitude (hard to get when you are at work)..So, it is important for you to detoxify as soon as you can when you get home if not sooner!

BelovedBomber said...

My mind feels like a tangled mess sometimes...the enemy tries to jumble my thoughts and oh, how I need Jesus!