Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Time To Reshape

Well here we go! The first day of 2013. The first day of a new year living for Jesus! I wonder. What does 2013 hold for me...for you?! We only find that answer by living day to day...with the Lord walking beside us. Doesn't that sound exciting..."The LORD walking beside/with us!" 

This year I'm looking, and expecting, to live more vibrantly for the Lord. Truly I want to be a mouthpiece for Him. I want to share His love freely with more and more people. I want to do, and say, the things that He wants...not what I want. To help with that I have a couple of new devotionals...three actually...

One Thousand Gifts Devotional by Ann Voscamp
live second 365 Ways to Make Jesus First by Doug Bender
Jesus Today  by Sarah Young

And of course I will still read Jesus Calling because it is just always sooo good!

I'm excited about this new year because I know the Lord has some changes in store for me. He has already told me He wants me to live "unshakeable" for Him. (My word for the year!) I also know that in order for there to be good changes in my life there will also be trials. I have learned that is how it all works! I am reminded of Jeremiah 18:6 ...The Potter and the Clay.

“O Israel, can I not do to you as this potter has done to his clay? As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand.

God has power over us to reshape us the same as He had the power to reshape a nation. We just have to be willing. We need to yield to His reshaping of us.

Isaiah 64:8
And yet, O Lord, you are our Father.
    We are the clay, and you are the potter.
    We all are formed by your hand.

And yes I know...it's usually not easy. As in all things...change is most often hard. But in the end...when all of His reshaping and molding of us is done...we will be what He intended for us to be. More like Him.

When we accepted Christ we became a new person.

2 Corinthians 5:17
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

We can't stop there. We need to keep growing and changing...becoming more like Him. If we let Him change us...if I let Him change me...I will become what He wants me to be...

Unshakeable in Him.


Desiray Lewis said...

Happy New Years Chelle and enjoy the reshaping amen

pinks said...

"unshakeable" I like your word for the year! Blessings to you as He cements you in His foundation... garunteeing you will not be moved.

child of God said...

Happy New Year's Chelle. I know this will be an amazing year for you and you will continue to move closer and closer to Father.

Be blessed sister,

Ken said...

Hi Chelle, I pray you have a blessed 2013 and that you allow the Lord to mold and reshape you into His image and your walk with Him grows deeper and deeper.

BelovedBomber said...

I love that! Unshakeable! I want that too! It is funny how much i love the word God gave me, but as I read others words I am asking God for a little of that too. It is like the cherry on top of my sundae. I pray that God will use you in increased measure. The scripture that keeps popping in my mind is where the coal touches Isaiah's lips in Is. 6. Asking God to anoint you as His mouthpiece and give you that unshakeable faith! Many blessings in 2013! Shana