Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

So...2012 is almost over. Some of it has been good and some...not so much. In fact there are a few things if I could change them...or somehow talk God into it...I would. But...I have learned that God sees things differently than we do. He knows the big picture and we don't. Sometimes though it's hard to grasp the way He does things. However...I accept His ways because I know they really are better than mine. God really does have everything in His control and He has us in His hands. I am thankful!

To all of my bloggy friends out there...HAPPY NEW YEAR!

To everyone who reads this blog...I pray it has somehow blessed you this past year. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all!

May you all have a blessed 2013. 

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Yes Chelle,
He knows what is best for us, His ways are not our ways and our thoughts not always His thoughts but if we continue to seek Him He will keep us safe from harm.
A very happy 2013 to you.