This morning I woke up with a song playing in my thoughts. In fact I kept thinking about it all day. A song I hadn't even thought of in years. This is what it was...
- God answers prayer in the morning,
- God answers prayer at noon.
- God answers prayer in the evening.
- So keep your heart in tune.
- I knew there was more to it but I didn't remember what it was. I was thinking that maybe this was the only part God wanted me to remember but, curiosity got the better of me so I Googled it. Here is the rest of the song. Actually, this part is first.
- Whisper a prayer in the morning,
- Whisper a prayer at noon.
- Whisper a prayer in the evening,
- He will keep your heart in tune.
My first thoughts this morning were...
Why would I be thinking of this song? As a kid we would sing it at church but to my recollection not since. Then it came to me why. I have always thought that when it came to Prayer 101...I failed the class. When trying to pray out loud, with or for people, it's as if my vocal chords break and I get a brain freeze! What I want to say to God just vanishes from my thoughts. Even if my thoughts didn't, my voice leaves me and it's all down hill from there. But...that doesn't stop me from praying and lately it seems I've been doing a lot of that. So I think that God just put that song in my thoughts to let me know to just keep on praying. No matter what. Because you never know when He is going to answer your prayers. The answer could come any time of the day or night so be ready. Keep your heart right with the Lord.
Then this afternoon when I saw the rest of the song I thought of how it fit with the post from yesterday. Just whispering the name of Jesus. Sometimes over and over. That can be a prayer in it self. Jesus...Jesus...Jesus. His name brings such peace and comfort and sometimes that's what we need. We can pray and pray for a person, or a situation, until we just don't know what else to say to God about it. That's when we can just whisper His name and He will come and give us that peace and comfort that we need about the circumstance we are praying for. So, just continue to whisper your prayer...anytime of the day.
In time He will answer our prayer. It may be at morning...noon...or night...but He will answer. Until then...just whisper a prayer to Him. Do it continuously. He is always listening.
Psalm 5:3
My voice You shall hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning I will direct my prayer to You, and I will look up.
My voice You shall hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning I will direct my prayer to You, and I will look up.
Psalm 55:17
Evening and morning, and at noon, I will pray and cry aloud; and He shall hear my voice.
Evening and morning, and at noon, I will pray and cry aloud; and He shall hear my voice.
Psalms 145:18
The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
Linking up today with Tracy for Winsome Wednesday.

I can remember when the scripture about praying continually actually bothered me. It felt like something I could never live up to so I simply didn't try. Now I realize morning, noon and night is really just keeping an ongoing dialogue with God and there is great peace in that.
Hi Chelle - I also wondered if I 'prayed wrong' but I love how you have shown that its a constant communication, a constant lifting up to the Lord, your needs and your praise to the Lord, this is prayer! God bless Chelle, we will chat soon :) and thank you for linking up.
Wow!!! I read your post AFTER I wrote and linked up with Tracy. I'm telling you, ladies, God is up to something. I feel like I should link up to your blog too, Chelle! I love it!
So beautiful, and I would love to hear a tune with that song!
<3 Kendra
So true Chelle; I love the scripture you chose. I believe that when we pray with confidence, He listens to our requests and that any prayer prayed in the will of God will be answered in His good timing! :)
Blessings for a joyful day today!
A constant dialogue going with Jesus, yes, that's me. But I understand about the praying out loud. I used to shrink when people asked me because I would get that brain freeze too. Someone told me once when I was alone to pray out loud to get used to hearing my own voice. I did and it became easier. ALso knowing that I didn't have to sound like a scholar, just talking with Him as if he were on my couch :)
And yes, sometimes, speaking Jesus, is all we need to do.
Hope all is well with you!
Hi Shannon ~ I too am finding that out.
Hi Tracy ~ Looking forward to the chat!
Hi Pinks ~ Lover your post too. Check out this link. You wanted to here the tune and here it is with kids singing it!
Hi Denise ~ I believe that too! Thank you.
Hi Kris ~ That is good advice. I have been doing that because I was told the same thing. My own voice still scares me a bit though! LOL
I loved it! And the children... :) "From the mouth of babes..." Thank you so much for sharing here and over at my place. <3
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