Friday, June 22, 2012

Update on Wayne

I just wanted to update all of you that have been praying for Wayne. This is an e-mail I received from Wayne and Marge about the results from the Pet scan...

Glory to GOD ~ Great things HE has done!!!

Wayne had a PET scan last Friday and we met with the oncologist yesterday for the results.  The tumor has shrunk about 70 - 75% and the lymphgentic spread has diminished some what. We are praising GOD that the cancer has not spread.  All of the lab results were very good, with the exception of one, and even that was
"not bad".  Wayne is tolerating the treatments very well.  The plan is to continue the same infusions every three weeks.

We cannot begin to thank you for your prayers and support during this time.  We know GOD'S way and HIS time is perfect and HIS plan and purpose will be accomplished in all of this!!  We continue to be encouraged by GOD'S Word and our prayer is for HIM to be glorified in all we say and do.

Thank you again for upholding us in prayer.

I spoke with Marge earlier today and she wanted me to please thank all of you in the "blogosphere" for all of your prayers. It means a lot to them that you pray. She also she has many times...they are believing in the "Report of the LORD".

Please continue to pray for Wayne. He had an infusion on Tuesday and today is just not feeling very good.


Kristin Bridgman said...

Woo-Hoo, Praise God! Such awesome news. Will continue to pray and thanks Chelle, for the update!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chelle - Our God is amazing, steady and unchanging. This song came to mind as i read your post. I am so happy for your friends.
God bless

child of God said...

Thanks Chelle! Woot! Thank YOU GOD!!

I did receive your email, I have just been a bit on the busy side but will have an update on my blog soon.

Continuing to pray and press in.