Friday, July 8, 2011

Get Over It

Have you ever noticed how things can be going so good and all of a sudden...without even having time to all goes south on you? Seems that's usually how it happens. Up on the mountain one day...down in the valley the next. Sometimes it's a gradual descent. Things are going really well. Seems like the Lord is moving in your life...helping you with places you have been stuck in for a long time...healing you of past hurts...blessing you in ways you never thought He know, just really loving and taking care of you. Jesus does this stuff for us...loves and takes care of us. Why??? Because that's who He is and that's what He does! And...I know that without any doubts! still happens. We live in an imperfect world with imperfect people...including ourselves. Well...that's my story for the last few days...

It's all been going well and then last weekend people came into my life and started irritating me. They were rude and obnoxious and I eventually couldn't take anymore they say in parts of Kentucky...I showed myself. I got into it with them and it wasn't a good thing. Then later this week, someone I casually know put me in the middle of a conflict they have with someone else. I personally wouldn't participate in their issue...take sides...but I still was put through a mess. Not what I do. I am normally a "no conflict" person...don't deal well with it. I talked with God a lot about it last night. Obviously I didn't turn it over to Him because by today all I could do was just get by. I came home and was sitting around just feeling bad. When I get this way I sometimes think about my old life...things I did to feel better...considered what I'm thinking about...and then...

listened to that still small voice inside of me. "Read your Jesus Calling book." I did. This is some of what it says...

When you seek MY face, put aside thoughts of everything else. I am above all, as well as in all; your communion with ME transcends both time and circumstances. Open wide your heart and mind to receive more and more of ME.

That's only a small part of what it says. It was enough. I started thinking about HIM and what's important...JESUS life with HIM is...the responsibilty I have to do what's right because of all HE has done for me is. What HE is saying to me is basically...Get over it! In the big picture, none of that is important. Push it aside and think and dwell on ME. Your life with ME is what's important. How you walk and talk with ME...your what's important. Open your heart and soul and mind to ME...think on ME. If you go backwards...instead of continuing to move will only have more pain. Drink ME in...My love for you...My thoughts for you...MY healing for you...MY plans for you...anything and everything that I have to offer you! Look at your life through MY eyes...

1 Corinthians 13:12 (Amplified)

For now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim (blurred) reflection [of reality as in a riddle or enigma], but then [when perfection comes] we shall see in reality and face to face! Now I know in part (imperfectly), but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understood [by God].

JESUS really is what my life is about. HE is everything to me. Without HIM my life would be nothing. I praise HIM and thank HIM for keeping me from sliding down that "slippery slope" I have been down before!
HE is Awesome!!


Desiray said...

I can identify with this blog today...thanks for sharing the part where you said When you seek MY face, put aside thoughts of everything else. I am above all, as well as in all; your communion with ME transcends both time and circumstances. Open wide your heart and mind to receive more and more of ME.

Never Forsaken said...

I am so proud of your decision to focus on Jesus instead of reverting back to old ways of dealing with it. I actually did the same thing today; I must admit my gut reaction was not to seek Jesus first, but I ignored my gut and reached for the Bible instead, and then when I needed to counsel someone and pray for them I was in the right spirit.
Blessings & Peace In Jesus

Fallon Gates said...

I am a new follower of your blog. I really like it. :)

And I love this! It took me forever to just give my problems to God. I was always so afraid to. I always thought that if I gave my problems to a being I could not see or hear, then how was I to know that anything was going to get done. I was also going through a hard time with God then. I never had faith, I never relied on him. I tried to fix everything myself. And in doing that, I was depressed. I was upset and angry all the time. I treated people horribly.

But recently, I gave up. I surrendered. I just gave all my problems to God. I told him I didn't want them anymore! I was so sick of being mad and angry and hurt all the time. Well, today I can say it has dramatically changed me. I am a happy person with a hope for the future. Before I always thought my future would still be full of part time jobs with little pay and barely making bills. Today I know that is different. I found Jeremiah 29:11 and I depended on that verse. It took months and a year of college before I found out what God really wanted me to do. And what is funny, is that it's photography. I know nothing about photography lol. But I feel such a pure passion for it. And I have no doubt or regret about it. So I bought my first camera, and now I am working really hard to learn all I can about photography.

But I find it absolutely amazing--I am speechless sometimes--at how blessed I have been since I turned my life completely over to God. Like you said, life does still get in the way sometimes. But I "get over it". I pray about it and let the problem go. I give it to God. And it always gets taken care of.

Reformed rebel said...

Hi Desiray...thanks for visiting and for your comment. Have you ever heard of the book Jesus Calling? That is where I got that from. It's a wonderful devotional.

Blessings in Him...

Anonymous said...

Hi Chelle - I like that - 'I showed myself' I did that with vigour this afternoon and now I have to go back and eat humble pie. Its so true that we are to seek His face - and when we do - we are not so inward looking. Also, I think we find more balance in the ups and downs.
Great post Chelle
God bless